Example: Nitrogen Walk - click to enlarge picture
What is the LiveDesign connector for Pipeline Pilot?
LiveDesign connector for Pipeline Pilot has been designed to improve integration and user experience when combining LiveDesign and Pipeline Pilot. Based on the LiveDesign gadget architecture, it dynamically exposes protocol parameters to the users and gives full control on the protocol execution.
Protocol outputs can be of various types and combined:
LiveReport Rows
LiveReport Columns
New LiveReports
Custom display (charts, tables, URL links..)
The LiveDesign Connector for Pipeline Pilot is easy to install and configure.
Advanced Protocol Forms into LiveReport UI
Automatically generates forms based on protocol parameters
Suggest appropriate input items and expose help text
Expose business-specific input items like Chemical sketchers, LiveReport Picker, LiveReport Column Picker, LiveReport Selected Rows
Full control on job execution
Poll, stop, push results, view history, re-run
No-Code integration
Complete Pipeline Pilot component collection to cover both LiveDesign server and client APIs
New protocols registration is declarative
No code and no configuration file
End-to-end security
Use LiveDesign connected user credentials in LiveDesign API calls
No generic/application account required
Preserves security policies on secured projects
Uses JSESSIONID security token
Programatic LiveReport management
Add rows, columns, create/delete LiveReports server-side
Can run on scheduled or event triggered
Can be used as an integration layer for other 3rd party products
See it in action!